Braces and orthodontic treatment are used to correct “bad bites,” malocclusion (teeth that are crowded or crooked) or in certain cases teeth that may be straight, but upper and lower jaws do not meet correctly.
By moving the teeth into the right position, dental braces help to produce a more beautiful and healthier smile for both children and adults.
There are many options for ways to transform your teeth. Old-style metal braces present important obstacles to correct dental care. New removable clear braces look better and enable you to brush and floss your teeth without effort.
If you need to straighten your teeth, without worrying much about how you would look with those ugly braces, invisible braces will solve your concern.
They are made of clear, strong medical grade plastic and are worn for around 2 weeks each; then replaced by the next aligner in the series until the final position and result is achieved.
Clear braces or invisible braces have totally changed the way in which people are able to approach teeth alignment these days.
02 9746 7519
82 Park Road, Homebush, NSW 2140, Australia
There are simple habits to keep teeth strong and healthy from childhood to old age.
There are so many good reasons to keep your family’s teeth and gums healthy.
You can chew for good nutrition and avoid painful and expensive cavities, oral diseases, and infections of the mouth like gingivitis, bad breath or yellowing teeth. Researches have also shown that plaque buildup on teeth can lead to artery and heart disease.
Fortunately, there are simple habits to keep teeth strong and healthy from childhood to old age.

Are you in pain and need to see a dentist immediately?
If you have strong toothache or tooth pain, It’s a dental emergency! Any damage to teeth or gums can be very serious and should never be ignored.
Emergency patients suffering tooth pain are always welcome and served with priority.